Call to Action First, Generate Traffic Second

Online call to action

Perfecting your offer first and then generating traffic may not seem like the best advice, but what’s the point in getting people to visit your site when you haven’t done your best to entice them with a solid offer?

Which Comes First?

To learn what visitors want, you should spend time promoting your site and generating traffic first, right? After all how will you know what visitors want until they visit your site? While this may seem logical, the truth is you need to perfect your offer first and then promote your website. To generate continuous profits, websites need to convert visitors into customers quickly.

With access to the Internet, competitor websites, industry news, and analytical tools that measure online trends, you already know much about those who visit your site. Use this information to create an offer these visitors won’t refuse. Whether you want them to make a purchase or sign up for your mailing list, have a call to action in place before advertising online. Not only will you convert more visitors the first time they visit, you will also create the beginning of many long-term relationships.

Build Your Site

Build a website that’s easy to navigate, read, and one that people will want to return to at any time. Make sure your site contains adequate keywords and phrases, images, links, and plenty of valuable information. The key to making online sales is engaging visitors. Since you can’t do this in person like a traditional sales person would, you need to include a variety of quality content that gets people interested in what you have to offer.

Whether you create a website or landing page to convert visitors into subscribers or one-time customers, upload content that’s fresh, insightful, and helpful. Build trust and you will see an increase in sales.

Call to Action

Before spending money on paid advertising or heading to your favorite social media site to interact with potential customers, create a call to action that states what you expect from visitors. Place this call to action on every page of your site or feature it prominently on your landing page. Let people know what you expect from them.

After building a website with a clear call to action, start marketing your site using methods you’re most comfortable with. Calculate conversion rates monthly to determine if more content, images, or other changes will be necessary to increase sales or subscribers. If you find the number of people visiting your site largely outweighs sales or subscription requests, you know that your marketing efforts are successful, but you still need to focus more on visitor conversion.

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