3 Ways to Get People Excited about Your Product

Landing pages help people learn more about your goods and services. But there is an art to creating landing pages that convert visitors into paying customers. Getting people excited about your product is the first step to earning a sale. Here are three ways to start off your landing page to really get people fired up about your business.

Make Real Promises

Good old-fashioned honesty can make the difference between a sale and an exit when it comes to landing pages. Instead of filling your landing page with empty promises and sales hype, why not clearly identify the problem, concern, or emotional need people have for your product and then show them how your product can solve it?

Open with a story, joke, or real-life scenario people can identify with. As you move through the second, third, and fourth paragraph of your landing page, paint a picture of how (and why) your product is the answer. This gets people thinking and hopefully wanting to know even more about what you have to offer.

Use Images and Video

Use charts, colorful images, and video to make people fully understand what they’re about the purchase. Add images to content only if these images will help people get excited about your product. Showing how your product works, for example, with a how-to video or before and after images can increase conversion rates by reassuring customers that same results are possible for them.

Since people read so much content online every day, make it easier to scan your landing page by adding images such as charts to compare numbers, tables to compare features and benefits, or photos of your product in action.

Offer Free Gifts

Free gifts can seal the deal, especially if you get visitors excited by showing all the wonderful benefits your product has to offer. When presenting your offer at the bottom of your landing page, add a few free gifts right at the end. Use a P.S. underneath the Order button to make the free gifts seem even more special. Most people really enjoy getting a little something extra with their purchase, so make sure to make your free gift sound special and unique.

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